Brings Back Memories

The other day, I witnessed a scene that brought back a lot of memories in my head.

I was at work, and a woman was approaching the escalator in front of me as I was heading out to go home for the weekend.

The woman was attempting to coax her adolescent daughter onto the escalator… and let me tell you this was a no-go!

It didn’t matter what the mother said, the little girl wasn’t having it. The mom tried to explain to her it was completely safe.  Then she tried the “let’s time jumping on the step like it’s a game” approach, and it was around that time the tears started. That was a; sop when the mom gave up, and  headed towards the elevator.

This immediately brought back memories of myself s a child. I was terrified of escalators. Thinking back on it, I could not begin to tell you why.  Perhaps it was the height, and the fear of falling. Maybe because of the jagged edges. I faintly remember maybe seeing a horror movie in which a girl died by getting her necklace caught in an escalator.

Despite the cause, my reaction was the same as the girls. Tears, snot, blubbering. Ahhh…the joys of youth.


  1. I was also afraid of them. I thought I would get sucked in. It never registered that it was a loop that was in perpetual motion… I thought it just continually dumped whatever it could collect in its jaws into a never never land underneath to The Land Where You Can’t See. It was always going to take your foot first and you’d get flattened or mangled on your way down.


  2. I was also afraid of them. I thought I would get sucked in. It never registered that it was a loop that was in perpetual motion… I thought it just continually dumped whatever it could collect in its jaws into a never never land underneath to The Land Where You Can’t See. It was always going to take your foot first and you’d get flattened or mangled on your way down.


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